Sunday, August 1, 2010

2 week

Can't believe we're home 2 weeks already. Ava's doing great! Seems to be that sleep is the main issue we're having now. Ava fights sleep at all costs. This started in China when she'd yell when we'd close the curtains to keep out the heat-I think she thought we were trying to get her to sleep. I looked online and it looks like sleep can be an issue because it's when children can feel most vulnerable. It makes sense because Frankie used to become more fearful at night while dealing with grief. Really though, we can't complain-Ava is a delight. She's picking up more English words and I'm beginning to understand more of her Chinese. From what I've read, we're very lucky. I feel so blessed. Please keep us in your prayers for helping us all with the transition to daily life.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Re: home

We made it home. The air never tasted sweeter. I can't believe it's
already been 1 week since we arrived home. Getting over jet lag seemed
to take forever. Ava's doing great. She loves the water now and is
fearless. Hasn't quite figured out yet that she needs to try to keep
her face out of the water. I think she jumped at least 50 times into
the pool today. What a wild woman! We realized a few days ago that
the pictures of her we had up in the house from earlier this year were
making her sad. I think it made her think of China so we took them
down for awhile. She seems happier now. I'll try to post done
updated photos soon. So glad to be back in the USA.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Embassy and river cruise

Message from Kathy:

Hey, We had our swearing in ceremony today at the US Embassy. We signed a form and tomorrow will pick up Ava's Chinese passport with the US visa on it. That's the last step before we can come home with her. We'll receive an envlope which is sealed and will hand it over to an ICE officer to open. Once her passport is stamped in the US, she's a real US citizen-Yeah!! We went on a river cruise tonight with a bunch of other Holt families and had a great time. We ordered Papa John's pizza, which I don't ordinarily like, and it tasted great! The city really looks beautiful at night with the bridges and buildings lit up. I can't believe our adventure to China is almost at an end-what a wild ride it's been!!
Talk to you soon-I'll try to post tomorrow before we go to Hong Kong.
Love you,

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immigration day!

We had our exit meeting today.  We're going to the embassy in less than 1 hour and will swear in for Ava.  We have to sign a form for her US visa and then we come back to the hotel.  We're going on  a river cruise tonight with most of the Holt families.  I hope to collect emails and addresses tonight.  Tomorrow we'll pick up our visas and then we'll be all set.  We found out that our hotel in Hong Kong is connected to the airport so that'll be easier.  The family from Coatesville is travelling with us via train to Hong Kong on Friday so we'll have company.  I can't believe it's almost over...just a few more days.  Ava's been dancing and singing a lot lately. She really enjoys people although, at first, she's a little shy.  Well, gotta go.  We love you!!

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

getting closer

Hi, We had a free day today.  Took a taxi to a huge shopping mecca of toys, and other things.  Frankie got 1 toy there.  We didn't go on the scheduled safari-too hot and already saw pandas in Fuzhou.  We went out to dinner with our friends from Coatsville, PA and Ava ate almost an entire serving of steamed broccoli.  The White Swan has a playroom with Matel toys in it and Ava loves it. She was running around, jumping, throwing and kicking balls and just having a great time. Each day it's getting easier.  Ava's picked up "hi" and "goodbye" and understands more English every day.  We're still calling her Zhu Ying along with Ava and using Chinese along with English to communicate and it's working fairly well right now.  Tomorrow we will travel to the Embassy and have a swearing in ceremony. Then, Thursday, Ava's visa to America should arrive which means we have the green light to go home.  We left 2 weeks ago tomorrow and we're a little tired of living in suitcases at this point.  Don't get me wrong, it's not like we're "ruffing it" but we just miss our house.  It makes me think that Ava might feel similarly for awhile after we return home.  I still can't believe I have a new daughter.  It's been an incredible experience.  I love this new little person so very much.  I can't wait for you to meet her too!!  Love you,  Kathy

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

Frankie's Birthday

Message from Kathy:

We celebrated Frankie 's13th birthday in China. Had a good day overall-we're all ready to go home. Love you!

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Video Length 0:40
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Monday, July 12, 2010

TB test

Praise God! Ava's TB test came back negative.  She needed a chest xray but it came back clear.  Last big hurdle finished.  It looks like, because we had to wait and stayed the I600 track, we don't need any immunizations done here but can wait until we get home.  Ava hasn't had any yet at all because when she first got to the orphanage, they thought she might have a heart condition.  When they realized that she didn't, they never changed her over to the immunization schedule.  If we were the newer I800 track, she'd have had to have them all in one day-not fun!  Today is the picture on the famous red couch.  With 25 families, this should be fun!  I can't believe this part of the adoption journey is almost over.  It's been an unbelievable ride!!  I'll write soon.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.